You are here: School > Students > Creating students

Creating students

Each student should have their own user account in Polar GoFit. Both activity and heart rate data is always connected to a student. The student information can be edited afterwards with any teacher user account.

It is also possible to import students with an Excel file. It is recommended to import students in larger batches and manually create only individual students.

  1. Go to School > Students tab.
  2. Check that the student does not already have an account in the system. Use the search and filtering options above the student list.
  3. Click Create new student.
  4. Fill in the student's information. The mandatory information is marked with an asterisk.

    The default maximum heart rate value is 200. If you know the exact value for a student, insert it here.

    If a student has purchased their own heart rate sensor, register the sensor by inserting the sensor ID here.

    For information on student accounts, see Student user accounts.

  5. Click Save to finalize the student account. The software redirects you back to the student list.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to create more student accounts.

Student ID must be unique within the school. The student ID is part of the student's username.